Friday, May 11, 2007

Had a Migraine Yesterday

I started feeling strange at around 1 PM. Was working by the computer and suddenly just feeling weird. Hard to describe the feeling. Restless would be a good word, and distracted too. I just had to get up and do something, so I went and washed the dishes. I was tired too, felt like I didn't have enough sleep the previous night. I was already wondering if maybe I was "cooking" something, but hoped maybe it wouldn't be a migraine after all.

I slept for an hour and a half. Woke up, still feeling weird and restless. I felt like I simply have to get out of the house. Since I haven't been working out for 2-3 days, I thought maybe I was just having some sort of a cabin fever. My husband wasn't feeling too well either (toothache), so I packed up my younger kid and went with him to the town center. We went to the library, I picked up some books, then we went shopping for groceries. I was feeling distracted the whole time, sort of fluid and restless, but I managed to move through everything.

By the time I got back home, I was feeling worse, slightly nauseated too. I figured by then that I was heading for a migraine. I informed my husband, who's had his rest by then. I was relieved from my duties, and sent to bed, but I was feeling too restless to lie down. By now (7 PM?), I was nauseated, out of focus, couldn't talk much (or rather preferred to keep quiet - I Could still talk to the kids if I absolutely had to). I couldn't get to the computer, I just kept pacing around the house, lying down when I could. A sense of panic was building up, but I knew this was migraine related to I tried to ignore it.

Over the next two hours the symptoms grew worse. I developed diarrhea, got very nauseated and had a pulsating headache in the left side of my head. I spent most of the time lying down, propped up on some pillows, eyes closed, just thinking not very rational thoughts. I was moving every now and again, mostly moving my legs, in rythmic motion.

I am not even sure what I was thinking about. I recall coming up with a structured thought about creating a vegetable garden (I guess in my case that qualifies as hallucinations lol). I was feeling bad, emotionally and mentally. Lots of negative thoughts and scary thoughts. I tried hard to ignore them, as best I could, and just waited it out. It was not fun at all.

I got up every now and again to run to the bathroom (diarrhea) and I even tried to throw up once, but it wasn't quite there yet. I knew from past experience, that throwing up is where it starts to get better, but I had for "it" to go through its full course.

Finally, I ran to the bathroom one last time and this time it was "it" and I got to my knees and vomited. The relief wasn't as instant as I had hoped for it to be. When I was done, my head still hurt and I Was feeling very weak. I was wondering if maybe I had another bout of vomiting ahead of me, as I crawled back into bed after brushing my teeth. Fortunately, it was the finale. As I lay in bed, I gradually relaxed into motionless sleep.

I kept feeling weird today as well. Still do, actually. Just a little restless and not quiet. On the edge, in a way. I did wake up feeling groggy and slow. My stomach hasn't settled completely either yet.

Possible Migraine Triggers:

Weather - Weird weather, not a heat wave, but Eastern winds that grew stronger during the day and turned into something of a storm by evening time. I was listening to the wind howling during the worse parts.

Food - I did have some chocolate over the past few days (ok, ok, I had some today as well... ). Other than that, can't recall anything out of the ordinary. I wasn't hungry through out the day yesterday (prior to the migraine), but I was very hungry today and had food cravings even.

Stress levels - nothing out of the ordinary, but I have been working harder than usual and skipped the gym this week because of my leg injury.

I hope this is it for this one...

1 comment:

steve midose said...

well hello to you when i get a migraine i only seem to have a very short time and bang . i get a weird feeling and or the lights get bright and i know wow here it comes and i am off to a real quiet room and no lights and i talk to myself my headacfhe is easing up and going away and i breath real slow and talk myself to sleep and ussually when i wake up it is gone or almost gone leaving a sore spot on my left temple i have read a lot about triggers and some things i stay away from chocolot and cheese and i just read about packaged meats and now i go to the butcher and get my turkey and stuff better anyway and also soft drinks and i will stay away from everything if need be and i am still learning good luck to you steve

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Mom to kids and cats. Blogging at