Sunday, May 27, 2007

Almost a Migraine

A close one. I am not even sure I avoided it altogether.

Started yesterday with bouts of pulsating headaches, coming and going. I had spent the first half of the day walking outside in the sun, and then talking in English in a full and noisy restaurant. I think I didn't have enough to drink in the morning either, so was probably at least semi-dehydrated. I did crash for an afternoon nap, but wasn't feeling all there in the evening as well.

This morning, I felt a bit queasy, can't even put my finger on how exactly. Ended up going to the gym after all and having a good workout. I even tried some intensive exercise on the treadmill, hoping that maybe an adrenalin rush would help.

Got back home, had lunch, was feeling more or less ok. Then took a short nap and had to get up and go to Tel Aviv (urgent matters with some banks). On the way, I could feel it hitting me. I was feeling some pain already, pulsating headache, and even some nausea. My stomach wasn't doing too well either (not too bad, just uncomfy). I figured I couldn't make it through the journey like that. My gracious husband pulled over and got me some ice coffee. That and two painkillers seemed to have done the job.

Back home now, and tired, time to call it a night...

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Mom to kids and cats. Blogging at